Chibo Srl constitutes a reality that integrates the environmental commitment it has always sustained, with social enterprise, offering, through the regeneration and recycling of computers and electronic equipment, an effective opportunity for reintegration, in society and in the world of work, to disadvantaged individuals.
Since 1981, the year of its founding, to date, hundreds of thousands of computer equipment have been moved, some of which is destined for schools and nonprofit organizations, achieving the goals of educational funding, social reintegration, and reduction of environmental impact.
We are among the pioneers in the field, practicing since 1981.
The agreement in place with the Parma Penitentiary Institutes that promotes prison labor involves inmates, regularly hired and trained, giving them the opportunity to retrain professionally and participate in a program of social and environmental improvement.
At the Penitentiary Institute, one of our laboratories is authorized to disassemble WEEE and its recovery.
Every year our company treats and reconditions tens of thousands of computers decommissioned by Large Companies or Public Entities both in our laboratories and at the Penitentiary Institutes in Parma. The products thus reconditioned are destined for schools and social projects in Italy and in developing countries and, in part, for the second-hand market.
Due to the increasing attention to privacy and to the treatment of sensitive and personal data, Chibo srl always guarantees, and provides certification, that all sensitive data has been erased for each IT support according to the regulations in force.
Environmental sustainability is closely linked to natural resources and their conscious use. Recycling is the basis of sustainability by helping to minimize waste and enabling the reuse of materials in various areas. The goal is for both ordinary citizens and companies to change their relationship with nature and for new generations to learn to relate to the environment in a conscious and conscientious way.
All non-reusable material is routed to R.A.E.E. (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) facilities, where it is transformed into raw material (iron, aluminum, plastic, glass, copper, etc...), of which both traceability and reporting of the recovered is guaranteed